As we watch the dark clouds of antisemitism (hatred of the Jewish people) and anti-Zionism (denial of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish nation) gather menacingly all around us, we may find ourselves vexed with questions of eternal weight and importance. Is Adonai good, faithful, and just? Does He even exist? If we call out to Him, will He answer us and deliver us?
Psalm 2 provides a different perspective on why there is so much hatred for Israel and the Jewish people:
Why are the nations in an uproar,
the peoples grumbling in vain?
The earth’s kings are taking positions,
leaders conspiring together,
against Adonai
and his Messiah.
They cry, “Let’s break their fetters!
Let’s throw off their chains!” (Psalm 2:1-3)
Listen here:
In an ultimate sense, the uproar and hatred that is being aimed at Israel and the Jewish people reveal an anti-God/anti-Messiah spirit that refuses to bow the knee to the divine will. But Adonai is unfazed by their rebellion because He will be eternally victorious.
He who sits in heaven laughs;
Adonai looks at them in derision.
Then in his anger he rebukes them,
terrifies them in his fury.
“I myself have installed my king
on Tziyon, my holy mountain.” (Psalm 2:4-6)
Indeed, Adonai will gather all the nations together against Israel to reveal Himself as the deliverer of His people:
“For I will gather all the nations
against Yerushalayim for war.
The city will be taken…”
Then Adonai will go out
and fight against those nations,
fighting as on a day of battle.
On that day his feet will stand
on the Mount of Olives,
which lies to the east of Yerushalayim… (from Zechariah 14:1-4)
Whose feet will stand on the Mount of Olives? Yeshua posed the question like this:
“How is it that the Torah-teachers say the Messiah is the Son of David? David himself, inspired by the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), said,
‘Adonai said to my Lord,
“Sit here at my right hand
until I put your enemies under your feet.” ’
David himself calls him ‘Lord’; so how is he his son?” (Mark 12:35-37)
Yeshua the Messiah will return to reign eternally on King David’s throne. As it is written:
Then Adonai will be king
over the whole world.
On that day Adonai will be echad (one),
and his name will be echad (one). (Zechariah 14:9)
Hu yavo! He will come!