Eitz Chaim Congregation Sarasota

about us

Committed to making

Yeshua the Lord of our life, faith, and ministry.


We have recently begun services in Sarasota as a sister congregation of Eitz Chaim Messianic Synagogue in Dallas (ecdallas.org). Eitz Chaim Sarasota is called to be a Messiah-centered, Spirit-empowered, disciple-making community that reveals the truth of Yeshua (Jesus) to both Israel and the nations. We are committed to making Yeshua the Lord of our life, faith, and ministry. Our community seeks to be like the first Jerusalem congregation where both Jew and non-Jew are as one new man, equal before God (Acts 2). The heart of our desire corresponds to our name. In Proverbs 3:13, 18-20 it says: How blessed is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding… Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a Tree of Life to those who take hold of her, and happy are all who hold her fast.

The Tree of Life (Eitz Chaim) carries deep symbolism, representing the Word of God and the Living Word, Yeshua. It also signifies the Tree where His sacrifice took place – from a Tree of Death to a Tree of Life. In embracing Him and His sacrifice, we find the promise of eternal life.

Eitz Chaim Vision

Eitz Chaim is a Messianic Jewish Congregation dedicated to reviving the authentic First Century Jewish Roots of the Messianic faith. Our mission is to exalt Yeshua as the Messiah and LORD of Israel and the world.​



Eitz Chaim is a vibrant, Spirit-fill disciple-making community. Our primary focus is to share the Good News of Yeshua as the Messiah of Israel and the hope of the world, with a special emphasis on reaching our Jewish community.



Eitz Chaim is a congregation centered around family integration, promoting active involvement of the entire family in our worship services, home groups, ministries, and various activities.


Unity in Yeshua

Eitz Chaim is a diverse faith family, embracing individuals of various races and ethnicities, including both Jews and Gentiles who are united in Messiah. Our congregation welcomes inter-faith families seeking a spiritual home.